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Location: Staffordshire, United Kingdom

Thursday, August 23, 2007

Mental Health Answerphone

Mental Health Answerphone 14:00
To all you barking nutters out there.. a big hello from another one. And remember... no matter how loony bonkers you might be, you will never be alone if you have schizophrenia

A transcript of the new answering service recently installed at my local mental health institute:-

"Hello, and welcome to the mental health hotline

If you are obsessive-compulsive, press 1 repeatedly.

If you are co-dependent, please ask someone to press 2 for you.

If you have multiple personalities, press 3, 4, 5 and 6.

If you are paranoid, we know who you are and what you want. Stay on the
line so we can trace your call.

If you are delusional, press 7 and your call will be transferred to the
mother ship.

If you are schizophrenic, listen carefully and a small voice will tell you
which number to press.

If you are a manic-depressive, it doesn't matter which number you press
no-one will answer.

If you are dyslexic, press 9696969696969.

If you have a nervous disorder, please fidget with the hash key until a
representative comes on the line.

If you have amnesia press 8 and state your name, address, phone number,
date of birth, social security number and your mother's maiden name.

If you have post-traumatic stress disorder, slowly and carefully press 000.

If you have bi-polar disorder, please leave a message after the beep or
before the beep. Or after the beep. Please wait for the beep.

If you have short-term memory loss, press 9.
If you have short-term memory loss, press 9.
If you have short-term memory loss, press 9.
If you have short-term memory loss, press 9.

And finally, if you have low self esteem, please hang up. All our operators are too
busy to talk to you."


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